Welcome to University Recreation group exercise, we are glad you are here! Learn about our guidelines for classes to ensure the best experience for all.
Students, faculty, staff, and community members with an active membership will have access to all Group Exercise classes. Alternatively, UREC membership office provides $10 daily guest passes which also provide access to classes.
If you purchase a guest pass and do not have a UREC Shop account, simply show up to class with your receipt, and our instructors will check you in.
You can sign up for classes on the UREC Shop by logging onto your account and following this tutorial. All Group Exercise classes are free of charge. If a class is completely booked, simply show up to class and join our physical wait line outside the studio. Our instructors will be there ready to help.
The registration window opens 48 hours in advance and closes 30 minutes before class time.
Spectators are only allowed to class if authorized by Group Exercise Pro Staff.
If the class you want to take is fully booked, add yourself to the waitlist. As clients cancel and spots become available, you will be notified via email when you make it into the class. We also recommend coming to the studio, as we might have a no-show.
If you need to cancel your class, you can do so on UREC Shop up to 30 minutes before class. If you know you might not make it to class, we recommend canceling your spot so members on the waiting list can have a chance to work out.
A minimum of 2 participants is required for a class to be held. UREC reserves the right to cancel any class with consistently low participation. We constantly monitor cancellations and will adjust the interactive schedule if necessary.
Classes may be canceled due to emergencies. Notifications will be sent to participants via email 30 minutes before class time.
We recommend arriving 5 minutes before class starts. Our experienced instructors will meet you outside the studio and assist you with checking in and setting up equipment (if needed).
Five minutes before class time, UREC reserves the right to give no-show spots away to those on the waiting list.
Breathable athletic apparel is expected to be worn in Group Fitness classes. Athletic shoes are required for participation in a Group Fitness class. PULSE, Pilates, Yoga, and water classes are the exception for wearing shoes.
One lap lane will remain open during water fitness classes for lap swimming unless the number of participants in the water, including the instructor, exceeds 13.
Participants are responsible for bringing their own towels.
For safety reasons, participants may not enter class 5 minutes prior to the start of class, or once the warm up has ended.
If you need to leave class early, no sweat! Let your instructor know and consider leaving before meditation time if in a Yoga class.
We encourage you to unplug from the world and leave distractions and worries behind, including your phones. Silence your phone and keep it stowed in one of the cubbies provided in the studio. Participants using their phones during class time will be asked to leave.
The health and safety of our members are our utmost priority. Please wipe down the equipment after class. When using steps, risers should not be stacked more than two high. Ask your instructor if you are unsure about using any equipment (bikes, barbells, steps, etc.) Your instructor is always there to support you.
Please inform the instructor if you have any special considerations (e.g., pregnancy, injury, illness, or recent surgery), so we can better support you during class and create an experience for you to enjoy.
Participants are encouraged to regularly monitor their own workout intensity and take water breaks frequently.
Group Exercise classes are about building community and celebrating every human and their fitness journey. Please be respectful of other participants and the instructors. We pride ourselves on being experts in the fitness community and put significant effort into creating the many classes you love.
Our Staff reserves the right to refuse participation to anyone, not in compliance with the guidelines.